When is enough, enough?

How do you know when enough is enough?

When what you’re aiming to get has been achieved?

When you can now be grateful for what you’ve got?

We’re all aspiring to better ourselves and inevitably that leads to bettering ourselves in terms of tangibles too.

So be it money, cars or houses, how will we know when enough is enough?

Without having a ‘destination’ for your growth – checkpoints or marks to acknowledge progress – we’ll always be striving for more without ever appreciating what we have at the moment.

Sure, continually wanting growth and development is a great idea in theory, but without setting measurable outcomes it becomes an aimless path.

Setting yourself identifiable checkpoints allows for this understanding and acknowledging the progress that you’ve made; also giving the opportunity to reflect on successes that have led to here. That’s not to say that you become complacent at these points, but rather being afforded the chance to be grateful for what you’ve accomplished thus far.

Take the time to appreciate your progress. To know that it has come from hard work and consistency. But more importantly, be thankful for what you’ve achieved rather than ignoring it in the blind pursuit for more.

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